Tree of Longevity - The Miraculous Honey of the Oak

 The oak is a tall, hundred-year-old tree, in the botanical family of which the oak or chestnut tree also belongs. 

Oak is used mainly in the luxury wood industries, but also for the production of paint and the supply of medicinal and therapeutic fruits. 


The oak tree is one of the most popular trees in the world. He is known as a symbol of strength, morality and wisdom. In many cases, oak is associated with honor, nobility, ingenuity and longevity. 

How is Oak Honey Produced? 

The most interesting aspect of producing this type of honey is that the bees feed on a type of wax that forms in the trunks and cortex. 


This wax is produced by insects known as aphids, which feed on the cortex of the tree. 


After feeding, these insects secrete a kind of sweet honey substance that remains in the trees, which are then utilized by bees. 


This sweet nectar then combines with proteins and enzymes in the bee's stomach, which upon arrival in the hive, release it into the honeycomb. 


The bees then flap their wings to promote the evaporation of excess water which promotes considerable thickening of the honey. 

Where Oak Honey Differs From Flower Honey 

Honey produced from trees such as pine or oak differs from flower honey. 

  It contains less glucose and fructose and is not too sweet. 

  Fruit honey contains many enzymes, amino acids and minerals. 

  This honey is rich in potassium, calcium and antioxidants but less pollen. 

  Honey from oak or other fruits is less prone to crystallization because it contains low glucose levels and high mineral levels. 

  Honey taken from trees like oak or pine has a darker color and is not very sweet. 

  The aromas is stronger, irritating to the senses and special. The taste of this honey makes it easily combinable with cheeses and meats. 


Uses of Oak Honey For Health 

This honey is very useful for immunity because it contains a variety of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, in very high amounts unlike flower honey. 


It is good for the heart because it contains potassium and tends to lower blood pressure. 


Oak honey is beneficial for the first six months of pregnancy because it contains calcium and iron. 


An amount of two tablespoons of this honey provides 275 mg of calcium or the same amount offered by a glass of milk. 


Oak honey has an invigorating effect on the skin but is also used against anemia and to improve memory. 


It is considered an excellent cure for kidney, throat and lung infections. 


This honey significantly improves digestion and strengthens the liver. 


How To Use Oak Honey? 

Experts suggest consuming 20-50 grams of sober oak honey in the morning and consuming food after 40 minutes, as well as in the evening before bedtime. 


This honey can be consumed regularly throughout the year, especially in times of viruses. /


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