How to Plant Laurels in Pots - Taste, Health and Prosperity at Home

 Laurel is not just a spice that adds fantastic flavor to dishes but above all it is rich in extraordinary health values.

We find laurel planted in many gardens and green spaces. 


If you wish, you can get a thin branch of the laurel tree. 


The branch should have a length of 8-10 centimeters. Remove the upper and lower leaves by placing the branch in a vase. 


Fill two-thirds of it with sand and pebbles and one-third with compost. Cover the vase with a plastic bag, but do not let it touch the laurel branch. 


The cover will create a small greenhouse for the full growth of the laurel from the branch. 


It will take a few months for the latter to take root and when it does, then you can decide if you want to transport the new plant to the garden or to another pot. 


Both places are suitable, but if you choose a vase then you should commit to changing the new ‘home’ laurel from time to time and feeding it with fertilizer to ensure its growth. 


The tree needs a lot of sun and grows well in cool climates, but if you are in a hot climate, then make sure the plant has partial shade. 


The laurel seeks protection from the wind as well. Choose a place with well-drained soil. 


If you want to plant it in pots then add the juice of half a lemon green to balance the acidity of the soil. 


The laurel should be watered occasionally, but make sure the surrounding soil is dry when watering. 

Water more often, wherever you plant it. 

The new tree trunk should have space and should not be covered with too much fertilizer. 


The laurel tree does not need pruning, except when you want to give it a shape you like, or prevent it from lengthening. 


The recommended shape is circular, mainly for potted laurels. 


The laurel tree grows from the ground by meters. But if you planted it in a pot, then it will be short as root development affects the length of the tall. 


You can pluck its leaves when the tree is fully formed. The leaves should be pruned early in the day to preserve their aroma. 


If the leaves have taken on yellow hues, then you are probably overdoing it with water and the roots are too wet. 


The soil around the laurel should resemble a squeezed sponge, not immersed in water. /

