Side Effects Of Turmeric That You Should Know

 Turmeric is often used as a medicinal cure that can help with everything. 

 Studies have linked its active ingredient, curcumin, to pain relief, improving blood circulation and digestion, supporting liver and brain health, but also speeding up the healing of skin wounds. 

 However, despite the myriad benefits, in some cases it can cause more harm than good. 

 Here are the cases where it can cause harm to the body. 

 Who should not consume it? 

Although turmeric is believed to be good for most individuals, for some it may not be. 

 The following health problems require extra care: 

 Lack of iron 

Turmeric can inhibit the absorption of iron by the body. 

 One study found that turmeric, along with chili peppers and garlic, reduces the amount of iron your body can absorb, by 20 to 90%. 

 So if you are prone or have anemia, it can do more harm than good. 

 Bleeding disorders 

Turmeric can slow down your blood's ability to clot, which can exacerbate bleeding problems. 

 In the same way, it can also enhance the effects of blood-thinning medications, which can increase the risk of bleeding. 

 If you are currently taking blood thinners (including aspirin), talk to your doctor before taking a turmeric supplement or turmeric. 


This ingredient can intensify diabetes medications that lower blood sugar to a dangerous degree, thus increasing the risk of excessive lowering of blood sugar. 

 Kidney stones 

Saffron is rich in oxalates, which in high doses binds to calcium and leads to the formation of kidney stones. 

 This is supported by a study which found that saffron supplements significantly increased levels of oxalate, a chemical that the body releases through the pee. 

 Gallbladder disease 

Saffron can cause gallbladder contraction, exacerbating gallbladder problems. 

 One study found that the dose of curcumin capable of producing a 50% contraction of the bladder was 40 mg. 

 Conclusion: If you want to take a turmeric supplement, talk to your doctor first, especially if you have any of the above problems. /


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